Beyond the Ground

“An infinity of forests lies dormant within the dreams of one acorn.”

–Wayne Dyer

Welcome to The Oak Vessel

In 2013, I read Wayne Dyer’s quote, and it fascinated me and quickly became my favorite quote. Since then, I have kept an acorn on my nightstand to remind me of its big potential. 

The Oak Vessel gives you the ability to witness one of the most amazing transformations take place right before your eyes. You’ll see the captivating growth of an oak’s subterranean root system, and a young oak begin its rise to the sky.

Oaks have a rich history. In the 1800s the USS Constitution, the world’s oldest commissioned naval vessel, was made of white oak wood. Furniture built from oak wood is sturdy and oak wood creates durable hardwood floors. Oak barrels are an integral part of aging wine and whiskey. The oak is America’s national tree, and it is also the national tree of England and one of Britain’s most popular symbols of royalty.

Most oaks live between 100–300 years, some are even known to be 800–1000 years old. Oaks can grow over 100 feet in height and spread 80–100 feet wide. A mighty oak is a thirsty tree, some absorbing 100 gallons of water daily.

In the fall, a mature oak can drop as many as 10,000 acorns. This high number is called a masting event, but the number of acorns produced varies yearly due to weather conditions. Numerous wildlife depend on the oak’s acorns and leaves, and oaks support more life forms than any other North American tree.

Within an acorn is a mighty oak tree. Every acorn contains a genetic code that will naturally allow it to fulfill its destiny. It’s not what it can become because it already is.

The Oak Vessel gives you the opportunity to grow a mighty oak tree from an acorn, and to plant a tree for a greener tomorrow, benefiting life on this earth, and providing shade for future generations.

Eco Packaging Alliance

The Oak Vessel packaging is FSC-certified, printed with water-based inks, and can be recycled or composted, minimizing environmental impact on our planet. You can use the glass vessel year after year to grow an oak tree.

Eco-Alliance is a growing community of businesses, makers, and brands that utilize sustainable packaging and are committed to making a greener planet. For every order placed for packaging, trees are planted in areas in need of reforestation.

Life Lessons from Oaks

  • “Learn character from trees, value from roots and change from leaves.”

    Tasneem Hameed

  • “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

    Chinese Proverb

  • “Each human being is bred with a unique set of potentials that yearn to be fulfilled as surely as the acorn yearns to become the oak within it.”


  • “Just as the acorn contains the mighty oak tree, the Self has everything it needs to fulfill its destiny. When the inner conditions are right, it naturally emerges.”

    Derek Rydall

Buy The Oak Vessel

You can find The Oak Vessel in Scout of Marion, a store with a curated selection of beautiful, quality items from companies that care. Scout carries products made by individuals getting a fair wage, companies that use natural ingredients, companies that give back to communities, and companies committed to ethical practices in all aspects of their creative process.