What is included in the box.

Each package comes with The Oak Vessel glass to place a sprouted acorn in water. A digital instruction manual on care is also included upon opening the packaging.


Why do you not include an acorn?

Part of what makes this such a unique gift is to take it upon yourself to find an acorn and follow the simple steps to germinate it and discover the life lessons that come from selecting the right ones. Acorns are readily available in the fall depending on the year. Like many trees, oaks have irregular cycles of boom and bust. Boom times, called “mast years,” occur every 2-5 years, with few acorns in between. But the why and how of these cycles are still one of the great mysteries of science. There are about 90 different types of native oak trees across the United States. There will most likely be one in right in your local community or backyard.


Where can I purchase The Oak Vessel

The Oak Vessel will be available for purchase this spring at Scout of Marion. You can pre-order here. Check back for updates. For additional questions please email: nate@theoakvessel.com