Eating You Alive

“I pray you heal from things no one ever apologized for.” - Nakeia Homer 

What’s eating you alive inside? Unforgiveness? Holding a grudge? Bitterness? Self-doubt? Jealousy? Bouts of depression? We all struggle with something no one sees or may quite understand. 

In Fall 2019, one of the acorns I picked up with the hope to watch it begin the journey to become mighty oaks never happened. I decided to look at it closer, picked it up, and noticed it felt lighter and dryer. My intuition told me to keep it around. I placed it on the counter to discover a hole in it and grub on the counter. A good way to find a healthy acorn is to conduct a float test (blog post on the float test coming soon).

What appeared to be a healthy acorn to the naked eye on the outside was on the inside, literally dying, being eaten from within, something I could not see. 

A couple of things jump out to me. We never know what someone is struggling with or fighting inside. They may appear okay on the outside. But plenty of people know how to wear a smile to mask the pain. 

We’re never alone. Someone shares your struggle. We’ve all been through pain and carry deep wounds or scars. This all has reminded me to be open and honest, and remember continue to reach out to those I trust. Looking at the hole in the acorn was a humbling reminder that things not dealt with will eventually hinder growth. And some things not dealt with will lead to no growth at all. It’s often unresolved issues as the reason why people hurt us or continue to hurt us. Or why we hurt other people. 

Our growth is a symbol of the fight. Trees withstand life’s seasons. From learning to let go, to the cold grey days, to the windy storms, to soaking up the sun, the growth takes time, but with persistence, they stand tall. We can too. 

So this is a reminder to heal from within. Seek someone who understands. Don’t be afraid to admit you’re struggling or need a listening ear or be a listening ear. Let’s not forget God is also right there to hear our prayers and heal our hearts.